Scary Facts About Germs: Why Sanitising with Kindr Will Keep Everyone Safe This Winter

Scary Facts About Germs: Why Sanitising with Kindr Will Keep Everyone Safe This Winter

Scary Facts About Germs: Why Sanitising with Kindr Will Keep Everyone Safe This Winter

As winter approaches, the cold weather brings more than just chilly temperatures; it also ushers in the flu season and a plethora of germs that thrive in indoor environments. Understanding the scary facts about germs can motivate everyone to take the necessary precautions to protect their health. Enter Kindr, a refillable sanitising solution that's non-toxic and alcohol free to keep you and your loved ones safe this winter.

The Scary Truth About Germs

  1. Germs Are Everywhere: It's hard to believe, but germs can survive on surfaces for weeks. Common surfaces like doorknobs, light switches, and kitchen counters are hotspots for bacteria and viruses. This winter, as families gather indoors, the transmission of these germs can skyrocket. Use the Super Fine Mist Sanitiser on all surfaces and objects.

  2. Cold and Flu Viruses Are Contagious: The cold and flu viruses can spread easily during the winter months. Influenza alone is responsible for millions of infections each year. Knowing that these viruses can be transmitted through direct contact and contaminated surfaces makes it clear that proper sanitisation is essential. Using the Everyday Sanitiser Spray on skin and surfaces to reduce contamination. 

  3. The Role of Touch: Studies show that up to 80% of infections are transmitted through touch. This means that every time we touch our faces after coming into contact with contaminated surfaces, we are placing ourselves at risk. Again the Everyday Spray is perfect for sanitising hands and faces. 

  4. Antibiotic Resistance: Frequent exposure to certain germs can lead to antibiotic resistance, a growing global concern. By using effective sanitising methods, you can reduce the risk of illness and the need for antibiotics, helping combat this serious issue.

  5. Neglected Areas Can Harbour Germs: Commonly overlooked spots like remote controls, keyboards, and even the steering wheel of your car can harbour millions of germs. Ensuring these areas are sanitised can significantly reduce the risk of spreading infections. Again using the Super Fine Mist Sanitiser on all surfaces and objects.

The Importance of Sanitisation

Given the scary facts about germs, maintaining proper sanitisation should be a top priority this winter. Regular cleaning doesn’t just keep your home looking tidy; it ensures a safe environment for everyone, especially for vulnerable populations like young children and the elderly.

Why Choose Kindr for Sanitisation?

When it comes to protecting your family from germs, Kindr stands out for several reasons:

  1. Effective Against Germs: Kindr’s formula is designed to eliminate 99.9% of germs, including cold and flu viruses, ensuring that your surfaces are not just clean, but sanitised to keep your family safe.

  2. Eco-Friendly: Kindr is committed to protecting both people and the planet. Their products are made from natural ingredients that are safe for the environment, making it ideal for households with children and pets.

  3. User-Friendly: The easy-to-use design of Kindr products ensures that even the busiest families can quickly sanitise surfaces, making it a seamless part of your daily routine.

  4. Versatile Application: Whether you’re sanitising kitchen counters, bathroom sinks, or high-touch areas like doorknobs and remote controls, Kindr can tackle a variety of surfaces, making it a versatile cleaning essential.

  5. Promotes Healthy Habits: Using Kindr regularly can help instill healthy habits in your family, teaching everyone - especially kids - the importance of cleanliness and germ prevention.


This winter, it’s essential to understand the scary facts about germs and take proactive steps to mitigate their spread. Using Kindr for regular sanitisation can help protect your loved ones from the flu and other illnesses, ensuring a healthier home environment. Don’t let germs take over this winter; arm yourself with Kindr, and make sanitisation a key part of your family’s winter survival strategy. Stay safe and healthy!

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